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Archive for the ‘Mineral Supplement’ Category

Know your fingernails!

Did you know that nail changes may signify a number of disorders somewhere else in the body?  These may actually indicate an illness before any other symptoms do. 

  • Black, splinter like bits under the nail can be a sign of infectious endocarditis, a serious heart infection; other heart disease; or a bleeding disorder
  • Black bands from the cuticle outward tot the end of the nail can be an early sign of melanoma.
  • Brittle, soft, shiny nails without a moon may indicate an overactive thyroid.
  • Dark nails and/or thin, flat, spoon-shaped nails are a sign of vitamin b12 deficiency or anemia.
  • Deep blue nail beds show a pulmonary obstructive disorder such as asthma or emphysema.
  • Downward-curved nail ends may denote heart, liver, or respiratory problems.
  • Flat nails can denote Raynaud’s disease.
  • A half-white nail with dark spots at the tip points to possible kidney disease.
  • An isolated dark-blue band in the nail bed, especially in light-skinned people, can be a sign of skin cancer.
  • Mail beading (the development of bumps on the surface of the nail) is a sign of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Nails that chip, peel, crack, or break easily show a general nutritional deficiency and insufficient hydrochloric acid and proteinMinerals are also needed.
  • Pitted red-brown spots and frayed and split ends indicate psoriasis; vitamin C. folic acid, and protein are needed.
  • Spooning (upward-curling) or pitting nails can be caused by disorders such as anemia or problems with iron absorption.
  • Thinning nails may signal lichen planus, an itchy skin disorder. 
  • White nails with pink near the tips are a sign of cirrhosis.

Next time you need to trim your nails or put a coat of polish on them, take a closer look.  Your health may depend on it.

Heart Healthy

Are you heart healthy?  I wondered after I read an article about 5 surprising signs of an unhealthy heart.   What I could do to help have a healthy heart.   There is a lot of talk about taking vitamins that can help with having a healthy heart, while fish oil supplements are going to help there is more to it than that.  Below are 7 steps that can help your goal of being heart healthy:

  1. Don’t smoke, or if you do try to quit.  Not only does it stink and cost a ton of money, it is pretty bad for you.  Smokers are at a higher risk for developing an assortment of health problems such as atherosclerosis, the buildup of fatty material in the arteries, which can result in heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.  Smoking itself is considered to be the most important preventable cause of premature death in this country, the AHA reports.
  2. Lower you’re Body Mass Index.  To protect your heart, aim for a body mass index lower then 25, the AHA says.  If that number seems a little high right away it is a goal to work toward.  The truth is if you are overweight any loss is beneficial. 
  3. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise…  If you need to work your way into now is the best time to start.  The key is if you are doing nothing, do something.  If you are doing something, do more.  You really should exercise at least 3 times a week, or 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of high intensity. 
  4. Maintain a healthy diet.  To control your weight and blood pressure, add a variety to your diet by including fruits and vegetables that are low in calories but high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.  Eating fish at least two times a week may help decrease your risk from heart disease by supplying you with some omega-3 fatty acids.
  5. Control your Cholesterol.  Having a total cholesterol level of less than 200 milligrams per deciliter is the goal for ideal heart health. While you’ve most likely heard talk about “good” and “bad” types of cholesterol, “what research shows is that one number matters most to the most people, and that’s the total cholesterol,” Yancy says. A blood test at your doctor’s office can let you know where you stand.
  6. Lower you’re Blood Pressure.  One in 3 adults has high blood pressure, but about 21 percent don’t know they have it, according to the AHA. Considered the most significant risk factor for heart disease, hypertension—if left uncontrolled—can be deadly. It can result in heart attack, stroke, heart failure, or kidney failure. Normal blood pressure is less than 120/80. Doctors can prescribe medications to help control blood pressure, but drug-free approaches—such as a nutritious diet, regular exercise, stress management, decreasing alcohol use, staying away from tobacco smoke, and keeping your body at a healthy weight—may help, too.

The benifits of Trace Minerals

Today we are going to look into Trace Mineral Drops and the top 7 benefits from using them.  Trace Mineral Drops are considered the most powerful natural health mineral supplements in the world. It’s impossible to underestimate the importance of minerals and trace minerals for the human body. They are the catalysts for all the vitamins and other nutrients your body uses for developing and maintaining good health. You’ll have more energy and will generally feel better.

The Trace Minerals benefits are numerous. Here are the top seven possible uses: (from

1) Soar throat? Put 10 drops of Trace Minerals in 6 ounces of water and gargle for 30 seconds. Repeat 2 or 3 times till your throat feels better. The minerals help neutralize the raw, infected cells in the throat.

2) Use on plants to boost growth. Mix 1 drop of trace minerals per gallon. Then water you plants like normal and watch them thrive, flower, and heal from sickness.

3) Have a paper cut? Try placing a drop of Trace Minerals on the wound. The minerals can help the skin heal faster & may reduce scarring. Also, the wound might cauterize faster.*

4) Low energy? Try using a dropper full of Trace Minerals in water or juice once a day for 10 days. Trace Minerals contain iron, which helps form the hemoglobin in your blood, which in turn transports oxygen to your cells. ( )

5) Painful menstrual cycle? Trace minerals contain magnesium, which a 2001 study by Cochrane Collaboration found provides better pain relief than a placebo. ( Plus, another benefit of trace minerals is the iron it contains ( which replaces iron lost due to a high menstrual flow. Low iron levels can lead to fatigue. (

6) Can it curb your cravings? We desire food because the body needs nutrients. However, if you’re diet is full of junk food (aka low in nutrients), you will still crave more food. Eating more junk food won’t stop the cravings, BUT taking a dropper full of trace minerals can.

7) Improved eyesight? According to Dr. Gary Price Todd, “The reason zinc does improve vision is that zinc is essential for transporting vitamin A from the liver to the eye. And zinc is also necessary to quench free radicals.” Zinc is one of the 74 minerals found the many trace mineral supplements.

Vitamin D is Delightful!

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that encourages the metabolism of phosphorous and calcium. One natural source of Vitamin D is found in sunlight. Vitamin D is found in five different forms: Vitamin D1, D2, D3, D4, and D5.  The classifications of Vitamin D are different from each other, and they each play important roles in balanced health. Here are some of the benefits and uses of Vitamin D.

Fitness and Overall Health: Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3 are critical human nutritional supplements and essential for the absorption and metabolism of phosphorous and calcium. These elements help in maintaining a healthy bone structure. Vitamin D decreases pain of the muscles and maintains calcium levels in the blood. Having normal calcium levels is important to help soothe muscle spasms, and to relieve tight muscles. This makes Vitamin D a great vitamin for athletes as well as for people who are going on or are currently on an exercise program. Further fitness support comes with Vitamin D’s ability to support a healthy body weight and lower the frequency and severity of respiratory problems.

Immune Support: Vitamin D regulates the immune system and supports reduced infection and inflammation during the cold season. Because of this, it reduces the risks associated with the seasonal flu. Additionally, Vitamin D is a key for preventing the occurrence of multiple sclerosis.

Mental Health: Vitamin D helps to relieve depression; this is why exposure to sun makes you feel so happy! Actually, exposure to sunlight is considered the best method to relieve depression naturally!  Vitamin D also plays an important role in maintaining proper brain function.

Foods with Vitamin D: Foods that contain high amounts of Vitamin D are: margarine, bread, breakfast cereals, dairy products, oil spreads, pastries, fish liver oils, cheese, and egg yolks. Also, fish such as: tuna, mackerel, and salmon are good sources of Vitamin D. Specifically, Vitamin D2 and D3 are found in high amounts in mushrooms.

Supplements: Vitamin D is very important for improved absorption, longer retention, and better usage of phosphorous and calcium. It is a highly essential vitamin and a great choice for supplementing in your diet. 2 Great sources from Nokomis Nutrition for Vitamin D supplements are: Vitamin D – 120 VCaps by Now Foods, and Liquid Vitamin D 5,000 IU by Trace Minerals Research.


For more recommended Vitamin D supplements, Click HERE.

Need Arthritis/Joint Pain Tips?

Are you suffering from arthritis or joint pain? Are you looking for tips on how to help conquer those pains? Well, you have come to right place! One way to help support your joint pain is by consuming specific nutrients, vitamins, and supplements. This has been proven to help strengthen bones, joints, and muscles you have, making them more resistant to pain. Try eating more foods with iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium, or calcium in them. If you can’t do this for a particular reason, then it might be a good choice to take in mineral supplements. Specifically, Glucosamine supplements have been found to be helpful. Glucosamine is a compound found in human joint cartilage and research has shown that supplementation of this nutrient has helped strengthen normal joint structure. It has also been successful in helping promote joint comfort, therefore maintaining mobility.

At Nokomis Nutrition, we provide our customers with reliable manufacturing companies and powerfully effective products. One such manufacturer is “Trace Minerals Research”. If you have a deficiency of a certain mineral, “Trace Minerals Research” will more than likely have a product for you! One arthritis support supplement they offer is the powerful “Arth-X Plus“. “Arth-X Plus” provides magnesium, boron,  and trace minerals, then combines them with calcium and a whole array of herbs and enzymes which help with inflammation and the swelling of joints. Arth-X Plus is a newer, more advanced formula packed with vitamins and natural goodness like glucosamine sulfate and calcium hydroxyapatite for the most complete bone and joint health supplement available today!

To order “Arth-X Plus” click HERE